Hannah & Eliza Reilly On Working With Your Sister, Developing A TV Show And Their Advice For People Who Want To Break Into The Industry

On EP 141 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia sit down with TWO incredible guests; sister comedy duo, actors, writers, directors, producers, superwomen… Hannah and Eliza Reilly!

3:19 – How did Hannah and Eliza start working together?

5:46 – What was it like being in the same year level as your sister despite not being actual twins?

7:30 – Hannah & Eliza’s partnership forces them to step up and learn from each other’s different skill sets.

11:40 – What are the values behind Hannah and Eliza’s work?

14:04 – Hannah & Eliza’s career started in community radio.

14:40 – What is the ABC TV development process?

21:29 – The biggest privilege of Hannah and Eliza’s career is getting to work with amazing people.

22:57 – How are Hannah and Eliza setting goals moving forward?

28:01 – There is such power in being in the flow of action.

28:58 – What advice do Hannah and Eliza give to people wanting to break into the industry?

Sheilas: Hannah & Eliza’s new web series. Watch HERE

We’re going on a national tour! Tickets are on sale HERE.

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The 411 – Tristan Didn’t Show Remorse After Cheating On Khloe + What Happens To Your Brain And Soul When You Die?

On EP 142 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have a touch base about what the rest of the world is talking about (provided it’s interesting!)… Stacey wants to talk about Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe Kardashian and how he didn’t show remorse until it affected his career + Kristie read an article about what happens to your brain after you die, and it leads to a huge philosophical and spiritual discussion of purgatory and the afterlife / reincarnation.

4:31 – Stace wants to talk about the Kardashians and their cheating.

6:22 – Where did Khloe get the name True for her daughter?

8:25 – Tristan didn’t show remorse for cheating.

11:53 – It’s not fair that Tristan cheating on Khloe wasn’t the moment the penny dropped, but rather when her family intervened. The penny should have dropped much sooner.

14:25 – The big word in this conversation is RESPECT.

16:27 – Kristie has found new research about what happens with your brain and consciousness after you die

20:33 – These results have come from people who are “dead-ish”

21:34 – What does Kristie see Spirituality as?

24:01 – If you believe in reincarnation, what’s worse? Coming back as a dog or an ant?

25:32 – Stace shares her theory on the transition of a soul into a new body after death and what happens when you fall pregnant with a new soul.

29:56 – As a kid, Kristie was always terrified of the concept of purgatory.

32:12 – Stacey was being visited by lots of spiritual guides, so many that she’s had to start to close the gates now.

Share The Dignity. Find out more info HERE

Tristan Thompson Cheating Footage from …

Men And Women Approach People Differently + Backing Yourself When You’re In Uncharted Territory

On EP 143 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have their weekly chinwag to discuss how Kristie has noticed the differences in the way men and women approach musicians and DJ’s and now that Stace is trying for a baby again she’s had to really back herself and follow her intuition in an area she’s far from an expert in.

3:15 – After only 4.5 months of gigging, music and performing feels like such a permanent part of Kristie’s life.

5:47 – Kristie’s fave part of her gigs is the breaks she gets to take between sets, because she gets to people watch.

7:08 – Gigging with DJ’s now, Kristie has noticed the way girls interact with them.

10:40 – Guys are the EXACT opposite of girls in how they approach a performer.

13:38 – Does the atmosphere of a club/bar/pub promote men putting down women?

17:43 – Stace is trying to fall pregnant again, and is doing so via I.U.I. through the public system.

20:45 – In a medical environment, Stace is far from an expert, so she’s had to really be conscious of backing herself and following her intuition.

24:13 – The medical industry is rooted in fear. We give birth in hospitals because we’re scared of the what ifs.

25:49 – Stace is angry at the fact that she can’t just fall pregnant naturally, but instead needs to talk to multiple doctors and work really hard to stay motivated to follow your gut.

28:48 – Stace needs to get an implant the HOUR she ovulates for the best chance of falling pregnant.

Single Pringle Intuition Worksheet. Buy HERE

Kristie mentioned an old podcast episode about death… turns out she was …

Christian Wilkins Growing Up With A Famous Father And Finding Contentment

On EP 144 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia sit down with another amazing guest; fashion icon, media personality, podcaster and son of Richard Wilkins… Christian “Prince” Wilkins!

5:06 – Where did Christian’s nickname ‘Prince’ came from?

9:41 – Is it true that the more camp you are, the easier it is for the people closest to you to accept you as gay?

11:32 – Why do women assume that a nice, respectful guy is gay?

12:59 – Growing up with a famous father, did Christian ever feel different to the other kids?

17:05 – Christian was always respected by both his parents growing up.

17:59 – Christian has always wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps with a career in the media.

22:39 – Being the second youngest of 5 kids, Christian has always felt really close to his siblings.

24:07 – Christian is focusing on work that makes him feel empowered.

24:53 – Recently, Christian had to learn to follow your intuition and stick to your values.

30:28 – Christian’s goal is to feel content.

33:12 – We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to answer the question “what do you want to do with your life?” and that’s not always a good thing.

Single Pringle Workshops – www.staceyjune.com

Radical Fashionism – Christian’s podcast. Listen HERE

Our National Tour starts THIS WEEK POSSE! Tickets are on sale HERE.

Want to join our VIP Posse? (For a small amount of $$ each month have access to a tonne of extras and join the online community.) Learn more HERE…

The 411 – What Happens When You Leave A Group Chat + Are Go Fund Me Pages Controversial When Made By A Celeb?

On EP 145 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have a touch base about what the rest of the world is talking about (provided it’s interesting!)… Stace wants to know what happens when you leave a group chat after seeing a SBS Feed video + Sarah Hyland has started a go fund me page to pay for her uncles emergency surgery, yet her net worth is in the millions…

2:59 – Do you die a friendship death when you leave a group chat?

5:14 – Kristie is a founding member of the Big Booty Bayside benches group chat which is why she’ll never leave.

8:48 – Stace’s family thinks it’s Kris KRINDLE not KRINGLE!

10:20 – Stace can’t leave her family group chat for fear of missing out even though she doesn’t care about the chat.

15:15 – Sarah Hyland from Modern Family is being called aggressive for the way she’s set up a go-fund me page.

18:28 – She earns $136,000 AUD per episode, so why is she asking for money?

22:04 – Sarah donated $1000, but her co-star Ariel donated more than double that.

24:57 – Stace shares the story of her mum and the time she wanted to start a go fund me.

27:24 – When you publicly ask for money, you’re giving people the right to decide if you’re worthy of their money.

The Feed – The Man Who Left The Group Chat. Watch HERE

Stace calls her dad after the group chat incident. Watch HERE

Whitney Houston Netflix Doco – Can I Be me. Watch HERE

EP 34: We’re Never Taught To ‘Receive’ + Supporting A Friend Lose A Loved One. Listen HERE

Sarah Hyland has removed the …

The Abundance Vs Lack Dating Theory + What Is Your Sex Life A Symbol Of?

On EP 146 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have their weekly chinwag to discuss the reality behind the abundance vs. lack dating theory and what does your sex life really symbolise?

7:26 – Cliché’s like “You’ll find him when you least expect it” are total bullshirt.

10:06 – Everyone has a different theory on when you’re going to meet someone.

12:10 – One day Kristie can be so ok in her singledom and the next she can be really struggling.

15:24 – The abundance vs. lack theory.

18:23 – Stace thinks her theory is the right one.

20:44 – People struggle to talk about their sex lives whilst they’re in a relationship, but are happy to discuss it when that relationship ends.

22:50 – When people say your sex life is symbolic of the relationship you’re in, they’re not exactly right. Stace thinks that your sex life can be a symbol of where YOU are individually.

25:17 – Can you be in a good relationship with bad sex or a bad relationship with good sex?

27:38 – Stace is fixated at the moment on knowing how much sex her friends are having.

29:23 – There is always a period when it’s shiny and new, and then there’s always a period when it’s not anymore.

32:39 – We think of sex as this miracle solution to connect two people, but we need to think of each person as having their own pleasure and needs, not two people sharing the same needs.

34:47 – In order to help her fertility treatments, Stace is encouraged to climax. But does she put that pressure on Ben or does she take care of it herself?


Alex Williamson On Women Making The First Move And The Power Of Female Friendships

On EP 147 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia sit down with another amazing guest; Chief Brand Officer of Bumble and badass girl boss Alex Williamson!

5:09 – Bumble is the “It Girl” of dating apps and technology.

7:06 – Rejection breeds aggression, which is why women making the first move on Bumble has redefined the dating dynamic.

11:02 – Bumble’s goal is to end misogyny, and the current political climate in America has only empowered them to reach their goal even more.

14:44 – Bumble BFF was created to give women a place to meet one another and support one another. #GirlPower

18:48 – In Australia we’re not encouraged to go after what we want as women, which is why Bumble is so perfect for us, it gives us the freedom to work for what we want.

22:21 – We don’t need to be in competition with one another, we need to support one another.

23:37 – Bumble has grown a lot in Australia in the last 12 months, because it’s eradicated the shame behind dating apps.

27:04 – Bumble has a feminine little girl energy, because it’s moving a million miles a minute but it’s a force to be reckoned with.

30:24 – The voice of Bumble needed to be one that resonated with women.

EP 109: The 411 – The Giphy Debate + Meghan Markle Was Too Eager After Her First Date With Prince Harry. Listen HERE

We are ON TOUR! Tickets for Brisbane and Sydney are on sale HERE.

Want to join our VIP Posse? (For a small amount of $$ each month have access to a tonne of extras and join the online community.) Learn more HERE…

The Thinkergirls Christmas Special

On Ep 149 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, besties Stacey June and Kristie Mercer – The Thinkergirls – break down the year that has been, sharing what happened month by month, from starting the Pod Channel, to Stace’s marriage and Kristie owning her passion for singing.

3:12 – January: Stace was in equipment here + Kristie was feeling optimistic

8:20 – February: Reality sunk in for Kristie + Stace was feeling exhausted

12:05 – March: Kristie was feeling lost + Stacey fell pregnant

21:12 – April: Stacey’s baby didn’t have a heartbeat + Kristie started nannying

33:49 – May: Stace had to have a D&C + Kristie was partying hard

40:59 – June: Planning Stace’s wedding + Kristie was questioning everything

47:00 – July: Stace and Ben got MARRIED! + Kristie did her first ever paid singing gig

57:46 – August: Stace did a life coach course + Kristie was in hustle mode

*Producer Note: Stace And Kristie Forgot September, Which Is Very Insulting As It Was Producer Jords’ Birthday And Obviously The Most Important Month Of The Year!

1:06:51 – October/November: Stace’s brother almost died + Kristie was ready for something new

1:08:07 – December: We’re looking at the future and what that entails for us…

Thinkergirl: The Podcast – Christmas Special. Listen HERE

EP 84: Motherhood Week – Stacey June Shares Her First Experience As A Mum. Listen HERE

EP 46: Your Ex-F*Ck Buddies Liking Your Pics + Are Passionate People Happier? Listen HERE

EP 20: Going Off The Pill And 5 Steps To Letting Go. Listen HERE

EP 67: Dr Nikki Stamp On Whether You Can Die From A Broken Heart? Listen HERE

Our 2018 Summer Sessions start next week… We hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane.

Thank you for your support in 2018, we …

Petology Australia Review

The petology Australia review should mention the helpful service team. All staff members are well trained to get work done right these days. A new customer can get their request fulfilled or just learn more info about the work offered. The staff team is ready to showcase what is done right these days as well. The new team is on the rise because of the petology Australia review. The info provided can be a boon to many people who get work done as is needed. They can find pet food and other supplies now in stock. There are many great toys that are shared with pets thanks to the store.

The reviews can be a lot of help to anyone new at the pet store in Australia. The petology Australia review will inform new buyers of what they can expect. The petology Australia review is a boost to anyone who is lost in the shopping process. The project can be a big help to a lot of new buyers. They are glad to shop at stores that now have a good review for themselves. The project is gaining steam and the stores are welcoming people to the fold as well. The leaders are glad to help customers strike a deal at a local store. Then they can write good reviews for the shop keepers on location. The stores are helpful and deserve to be given a good review from people. Trust their team and help them meet goals related to pet supplies.

The cost of the pet supplies will also below. The price tag is assessed for those who want a good deal. The petology Australia review is a boon to many people who want to buy from a reputable store. Buy online and have items shipped for a …